When you commit changes, Mercurial starts your default editor to enable you to add a commit message. 当提交更改时,Mercurial启动默认编辑器,让您能够添加提交消息。
By default, the Mapping Editor uses a simplified view of the XML inputs and outputs. 默认情况下,MappingEditor将使用XML输入和输出的简化视图。
And when the action is unselected, the filter is removed from Display, restoring the default drag-and-drop behavior of Editor and View tabs ( meant for rearranging and tiling). 当没有选择这个操作时,就会从Display中删除这个过滤器,恢复编辑器和视图标签的默认拖放行为(这意味着又可以进行重新排列和平铺操作了)。
After you learned more about the mapping relationship between the two kinds of artifacts, and made some changes to the default display style for the Business Process Editor, you find that there are many similarities between the two. 当进一步了解了两种工件之间的映射关系并对BusinessProcessEditor的默认显示风格做出更改后,您会发现二者有很多相似之处。
Add a Rational Change Requests section to the Links tab of the default Editor Presentation and add two attributes to it as shown in Figure 2. 向默认EditorPresentation的Links选项卡添加一个RationalChangeRequests区域,然后给它添加两个属性,如图2中所示。
In the freshly created file, the default process editor tree view is displayed. 在新创建的文件中显示的是缺省流程编辑器树视图。
There is some information that may be in the schema that is not shown by default in the Mapping Editor. 某些信息可能位于MappingEditor在默认情况下未显示的模式中。
The crontab invokes the default editor, as specified using the VISUAL or EDITOR shell environment variables. crontab调用默认编辑器。默认编辑器使用shell环境变量VISUAL或EDITOR来指定。
Your default editor ( or vi, if you haven't set an alternative) will be opened with a simple form for setting quota values. 这将打开缺省的编辑器(或者vi,如果您没有设置可选的编辑器),其中包含一个用来设置配额值的简单表格。
By default, the sequence diagram editor is in move mode. 默认条件下,序列图编辑器会处在move模式下。
Open it with the MTF mapping rule editor (. rdl is the default extension bound to the editor). 使用MTF映射规则编辑器打开该文件(.rdl是编辑器默认的文件扩展名)。
By default, the Mapping Editor will sort the transforms column based on the source input. 默认情况下,MappingEditor将根据源输入对转换列进行排序。
Thus, the default validators in the topology editor automatically ensure that the attribute has a string value. 因此,拓扑编辑器中的默认确认器会自动确保属性有一个字符串类型的值。
By default, the main Editor window contains various sub-windows that allow you to perform the majority of the editing functions. 默认情况下,编辑器窗口包含了不同的子窗口,在这里你可以实现大部分的编辑功能。
Opens the file with the default editor associated with the file extension. 使用与文件扩展名关联的默认编辑器打开文件。
Information Default and Editor's Prevention in the Reference Literature 参考文献著引中的信息缺失与编辑防范
You can easily change the default values in the XML Schema editor. 在XMLSchema编辑器中可以方便地修改这些默认值。
Gets the description for the default file list filter provided by this editor. 获取该编辑器所提供的默认文件列表筛选器的说明。
In fact, there are many ways to change the associated default HTML View Source editor or viewer. 事实上,有很多方法可以更改相关的默认的HTML编辑器或查看器查看源文件。
Check if frontpage is the default editor for pages. 检查frontpage是否为网页的默认编辑器。
This dialog box makes it possible for you to change the default formatting settings for the CSS editor. 此对话框使您可以更改css编辑器的默认格式化设置。
Check if office is the default editor for pages created in office. 检查office是否为用office制作的网页的默认编辑器。
ZIP archive will both work in IE6 or IE7 too, but will both set Notepad as the default View Source editor. 请注意,在登记处登记的ZIP归档文件将在IE6或IE7过,但都将设置为默认的记事本查看源代码编辑器都工作。
The designer opens the item in the default editor for that file type. 设计器在该文件类型的默认编辑器中打开该项。
By default, the Theme Editor subpanel loads the files for the currently active theme. 默认情况下,主题编辑器为当前激活的主题载入文件。
We install the delegate's default event filter on the editor to ensure that it provides the standard editing shortcuts that users expect. 我们把委托默认的事件过滤器安装在编辑器上,以确保它提供用户所期望的标准编辑快捷键。
The file list is initially filtered by the default file name extensions for the editor. 文件列表最初是按此编辑器的默认文件扩展名筛选的。
By default, the editor is configured to treat certain HTML elements as collapsible regions. 默认情况下,编辑器被配置为将某些html元素视为可折叠区域。
By default, it is displayed beneath the code editor. 默认情况下,它显示在“代码编辑器”下方。
The default view is the code editor, not the component designer view. 默认视图为代码编辑器,而不是组件设计器视图。